Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Opossum Bag

Remember that ball of yarn I spun a few days ago.....well, it has become an opossum bag. Don't worry kids. It's not going to be a weird kind of Easter Basket.

He's mostly knit from the yarn I spun. A textured yarn is held with the white yarn to give his body the fur he needs. His two hands connect with a button making for a nice handle. Or you can hold him by his tail letting his arms dangle. His body is knit in the round (because I hate sewing up seams). Arms, legs and tail are 6 stitch i-cords. Buttons for eyes (that I will later replace with appropriate sized beads). If someone would volunteer to sort my button by size and color I could finish projects faster.


  1. You posted 2 pictures in the same entry! What a success (and a very cute bag)!

  2. aww he's a cute lil oppossum

  3. I like him -- what is his name? Until I hear differently, I shall call him Horace.
