Monday, April 19, 2010

Opossum for Ugly Hat Contest

I hope this wins the contest for me. Grinny Opossum is having an Ugly Hat Contest. This one is my entry.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

weaving with T-shirt Yarn

I'm using a Hazel Rose Loom and the continuous weave method. Wrap one way. Wrap a second way. Wrap a third way. now all you have to do is do the "in and out" on the fourth side. We'll see how easy it really is.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Mother Nature did all the work after I poked the seeds in the ground. I know I should thin them out. Maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

More brown shades

Ok. Five more shades hemmed and tacked in place. It's nice and dark on the porch now. Not too dark though. I love the color. Chocolate. Actually....each shade resembles a chocolate bar. maybe I should make marshmallow cushions for the chairs.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

chocolate brown shades

Look at those lovely, chocolate brown, sun blocking shades for the porch. I'm not even half completed yet. The plan is to make roman shades for twelve windows and then something for the two doors. Phase One is to hem the shades on three sides - for all twelve windows. Then once that is done, I'll do the roman-izing by adding the rings to the back, etc. Seven shades hemmed. Five more to go.

Freshly Painted Ceiling

The ceiling in the hallway is nice and freshly painted. It makes the smoke detector look like a cute little alien. I love the ceiling paint that goes on pink and dries white.
My first Japanese Easter Rabbit. The pictures make it look much better than it is.

It is going to take a lot of practice to be able to make this type of little doll.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Surprise for April and Ann

Under this pretty purple cloth is a surprise for April and Ann for Easter.
It's covered up so that it can be a surprise.....
and because I'm not finished with it yet.
Slower going than I thought because the directions are in Japanese.
And it may not turn out so good. If that is the case, I can post a picture of something that did turn out good and you'll never know the difference.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My project today wasn't as fun as knitting or sewing or spinning, but it is just as satisfying. I spent the afternoon outside weeding and almost mowing. I would have mowed if I could have started the lawn mower. Once Bob got the mower started, he did the mowing. Such a nice man.

Now I look out at the flowers and the neatness.....and I feel good.